Here we are for the main events photo recap !
Unfortunately mother nature continued to deliver us some refreshing rain which didn't make things easy for the teams !
This track isn't the easiest one on dry tarmac , but it becomes even more challenging on a wet version! Drivers had to play the "meteo game" when it came to tire setup , as the track was going from dry to moist to completely soaked !
Our drivers kept pushing their limits , and it even helped some of them closing the gap with their leaders!
Huge shoutout to you Rick van Goethem for your epic door to door battles !
We all hope that the ones who damaged their rides will be ready for our next Touge stage => La Chapelle
P1 : Karola Pilarczyk P2 : Denise Ritzmann P3 : Ionita Elenuta
P1 : Alexandre Strano P2 : Mario Kuprian P3 : Davide Bannò
P1 : Christos Chantzaras
P2 : Massimo Checchin
P3 : Yves Meyer