Monday 6th April 2020
Public Information: office@driftkings.com
Drift Kings International Series : 2020 season update
The crisis we are experiencing today is unprecedented and has caused an enormous impact around the world. The whole world almost stopped and from what we understood, this will take weeks or even months to get back to normal life. Following questions about 2020 season cancellation, no we don't cancel it, we just delay it! So a quick update for all of you, as the current situation is still hazardous and as we don't want to publish a second, third or fourth version of our calendar, we are waiting a bit more to release it. We are not in a hurry as we unfortunately all know that we can't drift next week! Be patient and within a month we will release our updated and hopefully final calendar for this complicated 2020 season! Let’s all keep positive, with the right action from everyone, this crisis came can be stabilized quickly and we can recover a normal life in the second half of the year. We are working hard to deliver you an updated calendar as soon as possible. Let’s get ready for a delayed but intense 2020 Drift season!
Please visit www.driftkings.com or its social media channels for further updates.